Menu from Gola Restaurant
Check out the menu at Gola Restaurant and discover what everyone's craving! Know what to expect when you book a table at Gola Restaurant: From appetizers to desserts, discover the delicious food awaiting you. You can even peek at the prices, menu highlights and popular dishes from Gola Restaurant. Mmm we’re getting hungry already…
Menu highlights
Bruschetta della Casa
3 versions, with tomatoes, smoked provolone and mushrooms and spicy salami with goat's cheese
Terrina Di Cacioca Vallo Alla Brace
Melted Caciocavallo cheese with oregano and cherry tomatoes
Bresola con Rucola & Grana
Bresola (dried beef) with rocket and parmesan cheese
Gnocchi con Melanzane, Scamorza Affumicata
Home made gnocchi in tomato sauce with aubergine and smoked cheese
Pollo al Limone con Spinaci & Timo
chicken breast in lemon sauce with spinach and thyme
Bistecca di Pesce Spada alla griglia con Broccoli Saltati
swordfish steak, served with broccoli, black olives and chilli
Spigiola in Crosta di Zucchine con Pomodorini & Insalata
sea bass in zucchine crust, serves with cherry tomatoes and green salad
Spaghetti con Polpa di Granchio & Peperoncino
crab spaghetti with fresh cherry tomatoes sauce, garlic and fresh chilly
Cotoletta di Vitello alla Milanese (300g)
veal alla milanese served with roast potaoes and green salad