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Covent Garden
L'ulivo, Villiers Street

L'ulivo, Villiers Street

Italian, Pizza, European

Dishes priced around£16

Photo of restaurant L'ulivo, Villiers Street in Covent Garden, London

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About L'ulivo, Villiers Street

Family-friendly ✨
Good for groups 🎉
Card payment
Parking options
Open now
Closes at 10:00 pm
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
9:00 am - 10:00 pm
9:00 am - 10:00 pm

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More about the restaurant: L'ulivo, Villiers Street

L'ulivo on Villiers Street in West Norwood is a classic restaurant where the priority is on serving up the freshest and most authentic Italian food in London. Using only the best locally-sourced produce where possible, with all the necessary ingredients imported right from Italy, you can truly expect the real deal at L'ulivo. We’re talking sun-kissed tomatoes, sprigs of fresh basil straight off the stalks, extra virgin olive oil and everything else in between. So whether you’re catching up with an old pal or planning a special occasion with the fam, make sure you reserve in advance to avoid disappointment.

Frequently asked questions

Does the restaurant L'ulivo, Villiers Street have Outdoor seating?

No, the restaurant L'ulivo, Villiers Street has no Outdoor seating.

Can I pay with a credit card at L'ulivo, Villiers Street restaurant?

Yes, you can pay with Paypal, Visa, MasterCard, Debit / Maestro Card, Contactless payment.

Thinking about making a L'ulivo, Villiers Street booking?

What's the restaurant buzz at L'ulivo, Villiers Street all about? Great Italian food and beverages keeps diners coming back for more at L'ulivo, Villiers Street. Located near Covent Garden in London, L'ulivo, Villiers Street features dishes like Pizza, European. Check out what sets L'ulivo, Villiers Street apart from other restaurants in London and book a table today to enjoy your next meal out!

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